Toulouse School of Economics, Tuesday April 1st 2025,
10:00 - 15:30, Amphitheater 6 (third floor).
Registration is free but mandatory.
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Samir Adly (Univ. Limoges, France)
Bridging discrete algorithms and continuous ODEs in accelerated first-order optimization: a historical perspective
11:15 Peter Ochs (Univ. Saarland, Germany)
A Markovian Model for Learning Optimization Algorithms with PAC-Bayesian Guarantees
12:00 Lunch break
14:00 Audrey Repetti (Univ. Heriot-Watt, Edimburg, Scotland)
Analysis and synthesis approximated denoisers for forward-backward plug-and-play algorithms
14:45 Pierre Ablin (Apple, Paris, France)
How to get cheap and accurate Specialist Language Models?
Contact: Edouard Pauwels.